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10 Tips to stay fit during winters

By November 26, 2018No Comments

Winters in India are absolutely barren. With the cold chilly breeze outside you just wait to get to your home or to a warm & cozy restaurant and fuel up on greasy comfort and fulfilling meal because why not? It’s winters! As great, it is to enjoy the warm sunshine and snuggling into your warm jackets, socks, and mufflers. It is worth taking efforts to enjoy the season in a healthy manner & sustain the summer body you made, all through this winter

Tips to live by this winter season!

  • STAY HYDRATED: Even when it’s cold out, you still need 3-4 liters of fluid each day. Remember that a warm cup of tea counts. Aim for 2-3 liters (women) and 3-4 liters (men) daily and if you’re working out then 3-4 liters (women) and 4-5 liters (men) to keep yourself hydrated. And keep in mind, people are more prone to frostbite when they are dehydrated.
  • ENJOY THE SUN: The shorter days and less amount of sunshine can cause a drop in serotonin. This can make you feel low and depressed which is the ultimate cause of binge eating. Therefore enjoy the warm afternoons outside in sun.
  • EAT ENOUGH OF SEASONAL FRUITS AND VEGETABLES: seasonal fruits and vegetables like carrots, cauliflower and potatoes are rich in antioxidants and build up your immune system in winters. Spinach, beetroot, vegetable soups, and casseroles or hot stewed fruits are perfect for a cold winter day.
  • WATCH PORTION SIZES: try to avoid a winter waistline. Start eating small meals rather than 3 large filling ones. Fill up half of your plate with vegetables. Avoid watching TV while eating, it can lead to eating more than usual
  • STAY ACTIVE: Winters make you sluggish. Try to indulge in any physical activity. You can go out for a walk or any indoor physical activity. Use stairs instead of lifts or elevators.
  • LAYER UP: layer up yourself when you go out and don’t let the cold wind tear you up!
  • Start adding a pinch of pepper and clove powder in your cup of warm ginger tea.
  • Avoid binge eating during winters. As you tend to eat more in winters you forget what binge eating can do to your body.
  • Avoid eating excessive sugar and refined foods.
  • If you’re going for a run or an H.I.I.T session outdoors then remember to layer up with warm clothes. Try doing at home or gym workouts.




If you are a summer baby and can’t face the chilling harsh weather, there are plenty of ways to get decent workout indoors and maintain your health, there’s no such thing as a winter break from exercise. You need a consistent program in order to stay fit, not only physically but also psychologically. ParaFit doesn’t believe that in order to stay fit you need to work out at least 40 minutes a day! Our HIIT LEAN guide will help you burn 220cal in less than 20 mins.

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