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Acidity And pH Levels

By August 31, 2018One Comment

Do you often feel bloated and have a stomach ache after eating certain foods like Rajma, Channa etc? Is this what you call gas or acidity?

So, from where does this acidity build up and what is its use?

The acid in our stomach helps in digestion of food. It can cause indigestion if there is less secretion and if it is in excess then it causes ‘Acidity’.

In this blog we will learn about:

  1. What is Acidity? Reasons for acidity.
  2. Home remedies to cure acidity
  3. Acidic and Alkaline foods
  4. What is pH?
  5. Benefits of following an alkaline diet

Acidity occurs when there is excess secretion of acids in the gastric glands of the stomach. When the secretion is more than usual, we feel a heartburn, which is generally triggered off by consumption of spicy foods.

Reasons for acidity:

o    Eating large meals or lying down right after a meal.

o    Being overweight or obese.

o    Eating a heavy meal and lying on your back or bending over at the waist.

o    Snacking close to bedtime.

o    Frequent drinking of coffee, alcohol, smoking, and drugs etc.

o    Being pregnant.

o    Taking aspirin, ibuprofen, certain muscle relaxers, or blood pressure medications.

o    Tension, worries, and pressure on mind create more acid in the stomach.

Home remedies to cure acidity:

o    Skip the aerated drinks and caffeine and go for herbal tea instead.

o    Have a glass of lukewarm water everyday after waking up.

o    Include banana, watermelon, and cucumber every day in your diet.

o    Coconut water soothes the system if you suffer from acidity.

o    Drink 200ml milk every day

o    Have your last meal atleast 2 hours before bed.

o    Have small meals at short intervals.

o    Avoid pickles, chutneys, etc.

o    Smoking and drinking increases acidity, so cut down on them.

o    Adding ginger to your food reduces acidity.

Acidic foods: Acidic foods are those which have a pH less than 7Acidic foods when taken in large amounts may cause irritation in the digestive system.

Butter, Lentils, White refined flour, Whole-wheat cooked spaghetti, Peanuts(dry-roasted), Walnuts, Chicken, Whole egg, Oats, Brown rice, salmon, tuna, cheese, tomato are a few examples of acid

ic foods.

Alkaline foods: Alkaline foods are ones which have a pH more than 7 and they are considered healthier than acidic foods as they are easy on the stomach and don’t create a burning sensation.

Honey, Asparagus, Margarine, White and red wine, Broccoli, Watermelon, Apples, Zucchini, Hazelnuts, Green beans, Cherries, Radishes, Cauliflower, Potatoes, Apricots, Carrots, Celery, Bananas, leafy vegetables, Raisins are examples of alkaline foods.

pH and its effects

pH ie power of hydrogen is a measurement of the hydrogen ion concentration in the body which normally ranges from 1 to 14, with 7 considered to be neutral. A pH less than 7 is said to be acidic and greater than 7 are basic or alkaline, human body’s ideal pH is slightly alkaline from 7.30 to 7.45.

Following an alkaline diet is one of the best things that you can do for your health, from cancer prevention to boosting energy levels, an alkaline diet is full of numerous benefits.

Benefits of an alkaline diet:

  1. It received chronic inflammation and pain:

Restoring balance soothes negative symptoms while relieving pain and inflammation.

  1. It reduces BP and improves heart health:

A high acid diet increases the risk of hypertension. alkaline diet reduces inflammation & keep your heart healthy.

  1. It can prevent the development of cancer:

Cancer cells love acidic environments and survive on them. an alkaline diet can help shift your pH to prevent cancer development try to consume as many fruits and veggies as possible and you’ll be getting tons of cancer-fighting antioxidants through your food as well.

  1. It promotes strong bones:

Reducing your dietary acid intake by following an alkaline diet helps you have stronger bones. Alkaline diet increase bone mineral density and a lower risk of fractures,

  1. It increases vitamin absorption:

You’ll get plenty of alkaline minerals, like magnesium, calcium, and potassium, in the alkaline diet, getting enough magnesium can help with the absorption of other vitamins, like vitamin D, making it easier to meet your needs.

80: 20 Rule

The ratio of 80 percent alkaline foods with 20 percent acidic foods is the optimum rule of thumb to follow but there are few healthy foods on the acid-forming list so don’t totally cut them from your diet. Apples, for example, are slightly acidic, but they have plenty of vitamins and minerals.

At ParaFit we design a fully customized meal plan for you keeping all the factors in mind to give you the best results in the shortest time.

Focus on your health.

Know what you eat.


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