ParaFit presents you with our detox iced green tea to purifying and healthy digestion of your body.
Iced green tea gives us a cool refreshment on a hot day, and the beverage comes with a host of health perks you won’t get from soda. Some bottled versions may be heavy in sugar, however, and potency can vary. Make your own tea at home can help ensure the healthiest beverage possible.
o 1 green tea bag or 1 tsp green tea leaves.
o 1 sliced lemon
o 1 tsp honey
o 2 sliced strawberries,
o 2 slices of cucumber
Instructions for detox iced green tea:
Using a green tea bag (or leaves) and boiling water, brew 1 cup of water to make green tea.
Chill green tea in the refrigerator for 5 minutes. Add cucumber, lemon, strawberries, and honey. Stir to mix ingredients and add ice if desired.
Drink daily as a natural detox to rid your body of toxins and for healthy digestion.
( Pic courtesy by google)
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