Mental Health & Nutrition
“ Food can make you feel happy, mad, sad or high on life “
Have you ever noticed how a tub of ice cream in the back of the freezer makes you happy when you’re feeling blue? It is easier to collapse in a heap of junk. There is a long list of other healthy foods that can cure your grumpy mood and number of things you can do to help combat the feeling of sadness. On the account of World Mental Health Day, in this blog, we will read what practices you should do to encourage a lifestyle that is stress-free, eat-on-the-go and enjoyed.
Making a few small changes to your diet can help you improve your mental health by increasing the production of melatonin and decreasing symptoms of sadness. So, ensure that your body is getting all of the right mood-boosting nutrients it needs. According to Harvard Health Publishing, diet does make an important component of mental health. A higher intake of olive oil, fruits and veggies, whole grains and a lower intake of processed, animal based foods has been associated with a decreased risk of depression.
So, if you are feeling sad or low make sure you don’t pick up convenient or affordable options knowing that they can harm you in many ways.
Eat more oily fish
As one nutritionist explains, “Omega-3 fatty acids are important for proper nerve and brain function, and have been shown to help protect against depression.” Good sources of omega-3 include salmon, eggs and sardines but if you’re vegetarian then walnuts, sunflower seeds and flaxseeds can all also be healthy sources of omega-3. Eating these seeds and nuts each day can give a great boost to your omega-3 levels.
Delight in D levels
Eating a rainbow of fresh fruits and vegetables each day is the best thing you can do to keep you feeling full and healthy whilst giving a much-needed boost to your energy levels. Very few foods in nature contains vitamin D like the flesh of fatty fish, mushrooms, cheese and egg yolk most of them have a low GI (Glycemic Index) and contains variety of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Experts say, “Vitamin D deficiency alone can explain low energy and depression”. Most of the people tend to be chronically low on vitamin D because of the lack of sunshine and unhealthy eating habits. So it’s better to get yourself a blood test to confirm your levels. If you’re looking to boost your vitamin D levels then try spending more time outside in the sun.
If you find yourself feeling sluggish throughout the day then try taking a break to move out even for a few minutes. This can pump you back! Alternatively, doing yoga and meditation can help you become mindful of your symptoms both mentally and physically.
Eat seasonal fruits and veggies
Try adding warm spices in your meals such as ginger and cinnamon, they can increase circulation and aid healthy digestion too. Also reducing processed carbs and sugar such as bread, pasta, cereal and cookies can make a difference in how you feel as they negatively affect blood sugar levels and deplete essential brain nutrients. Try substituting unhealthy carbs with nuts, fruits, berries, green leafy vegetables and beans, which are rich in zinc, folate, vitamin B and magnesium. These can help combat mood swings.
Finally, it is important to remember that we consume all essential nutrients related to functions throughout the body. It begins with the choices we make. We at ParaFit, believes in providing a healthy diet that will not only promotes good health but will also keep the diseases at bay.